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1 post
on 03/10/2006
Cartweaver/Jumpstart article for Dreamweaver
Friday, March 10, 2006 7:26:56 PM
I did an article for Community MX that appeared yesterday: Using JumpStarts with Cartweaver, Featuring Minneapolis. It deals with using a Community MX Jumpstart (or other page design templates, for that matter) with Cartweaver, and one technique I've found useful. It's a free article. Community MX Jumpstarts are pre-built page designs and are an excellent way for a non-designer like me to create web sites -- or a designer who wants a shortcut, as they are highly configurable. I think there are over a dozen available already, including the free North Pole Jumpstart, which was also the basis of the TODCON site. The article applies equally to the ColdFusion, ASP, or PHP versions of Cartweaver.
Category tags: Community MX, Dreamweaver, ColdFusion, Cartweaver
Posted by Tom Muck
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on 03/10/2006
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