Tom Muck's Blog: Toshiba disposable hard drives
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Toshiba disposable hard drives
Monday, July 25, 2005 10:35:19 PM
I must be setting some kind of record. My laptop hard drive has just failed for the 5th time. I have blogged about my other problems in a few other posts here, including the list of problems I've had with this piece of junk. Luckily, I have a 3 year service plan, on it's last few months now, but the hassle of having a computer that keeps failing is unbelievably frustrating. Since it failed last in November, I have basically used it only for web browsing and poker playing. I was afraid to spend all that time installing things and have it fail again. Well, I finally installed a few things, like ColdFusion 7, Visual Studio, and PHP 5 this past week, but tonight it failed again. Right in the middle of a poker hand, too. I recognized that grinding noise right away -- it sounds like a DVD is cranking up, but no DVD was in the drive. Time to toss this thing on the trash heap soon, but maybe I'll get a few more months out of it. Needless to say, my next laptop won't be a Toshiba.
Category tags: ColdFusion
Posted by Tom Muck
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