Tom Muck's Blog: Non-existent boxes
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Non-existent boxes
Wednesday, October 06, 2004 11:19:40 AM
Does anyone else hate it when a software product on the Internet is pictured as a colorful box, but after you buy the thing all you get is a download of a zip file? Who came up with this concept? Basically what the software companies are doing is trying to show that their product is a "real" product with packaging and worth the money. I say if it doesn't come in a box, don't show a box. What's next? Show a stack of manuals and deliver a bunch of PDF files? Show a stack of boxes and deliver the product in several zip files? Show someone holding the box? I think it borders on unethical. Sure, a box is not important for a software product. . .but then why show it? Obviously, when they show a box, they think that the product is perceived differently by the consumer. That's one of the problems with the web. Anyone can put up a web site. Anyone can market a product. You never know what you're getting until you get it.
Category tags: General
Posted by Tom Muck
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