Tom Muck

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Tom Muck's Blog: New extension for CSS stylesTom Muck's Blog

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New extension for CSS styles

Wednesday, September 15, 2004 6:36:22 PM

A new Dreamweaver extension of mine went live today at Community MX that adds context menus for CSS Styles for design view on some elements that did not already have the menu. For example, if you click inside a table cell, the CSS Styles menu would appear on the context menu, but if you click on a table, image, form field, div tag, and probably some elements that I missed, the menu is not there. I'm not sure why Macromedia put the menu on some things and not others, but the extension fills the gap and saves a few motions of the mouse when working in design view. Find it at It's free to Community MX members and a small fee for others.

Category tags: Macromedia/Adobe, Community MX, Dreamweaver

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