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Tom Muck's Blog: Extension updates for DW 8.0.2Tom Muck's Blog

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Extension updates for DW 8.0.2

Sunday, June 11, 2006 8:28:38 PM

Adobe released the Dreamweaver 8.0.2 updater about a month ago, and since that time I have been working furiously on getting my incompatible extensions updated to work around the bugs introduced by the updater. In short, the Dreamweaver recordset functionality for previewing recordsets and showing in the Bindings panel is broken with any kind of dynamic SQL code (such as dynamic sorting or dynamic SQL), with no plans from Adobe to fix the problems in the near future. Thanks to the good folks at Interakt, who provided me with some alternate Recordset functionality, I was able to make the extensions compatible. The DW 8.0.2 updater fixes some SQL
injection problems and should be applied to your copy of Dreamweaver 8. The DW 8.0.2 updater can be found at the Adobe web site:

The affected extensions that have been updated are the following:

If you have purchased any of these extensions in the past and have your download information, you can download the free updates by logging in at and downloading the latest versions. Please note that if you do not have the Dreamweaver 8.0.2 updater, no extension updates are necessary. The new updated extensions will work in Dreamweaver 6, 7, and 8.

If using Dreamweaver 8.0.2, the recordset will show up as a "TomListRecordset" in the Bindings and Server Behaviors panel. The new recordset has all the same properties as a Dreamweaver recordset, but has special code behind the scenes (provided by Interakt) to allow previewing and bindings panel functionality. The standard Dreamweaver recordset has bugs that prevent this in 8.0.2. Recordsets work fine with the server behaviors in DW 6, 6.0.1, 7, 7.1, 8.0, and 8.0.1.

The extensions NOT updated in this round of fixes are the following:

  • Dynamic Search Suite for ASP/JS
  • Sort Repeat Region (JSP and ASP/JS versions.)

Other extensions available at are not affected by the updater. If you run into any problems using any of my extensions, drop me a line using my contact form.

Category tags: Dreamweaver, ColdFusion

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