Tom Muck's Blog: Adobe Motion Design Center setting the web back 10 years
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Adobe Motion Design Center setting the web back 10 years
Sunday, January 22, 2006 12:22:25 PM
I'm a big supporter of using Flash, Flex, and Flash Remoting for some web applications, but it is absolutely the worst method of presenting articles or text on the Web. Adobe has put up a Motion Design Center that pulls some good content from the MM Dev center (and Community MX), but presents it in an absolutely atrocious interface. Hopefully the Dev center does not go this route. Who needs to see an animated box for text and watch menus draw themselves? It's not a video game. It sets the Web back 10 years until they perfect the technology so that we can once again copy/paste (not just content but links, menus, etc) and see Web pages appear, rather than wait for them to draw themselves. Also, these Flash interfaces do not "snap" -- they look like they are working underwater. Slow as molasses. At least it's not as bad as Acrobat. I feel sorry for people still on dial-up or using slower computers these days.
Category tags: Flash Remoting, Macromedia/Adobe, Community MX, Dreamweaver, ColdFusion
Posted by Tom Muck
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