Tom Muck

Alpha Dog Blues Band
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Liveblogging from TODCON

Monday, April 25, 2005 4:19:28 PM

Liveblogging at TODCON. More later.

Update 4/26/2005 8:52AM: The rather cryptic earlier entry was made during a session on blogging and building your own blog in Dreamweaver. I did a 4 part series on creating a simple blog using built-in Dreamweaver tools. Part 5 went live today at Community MX, and includes details on how to add sidebar modules.

TODCON is always one of the most enjoyable conferences because of the small, intimate nature of the conference. This it the 8th TODCON conference, and all have been extremely informative, with a great selection of speakers.

My sessions on blogging and SQL code (with sample code, etc) will be online after I get back.

The keynote was by Danny Kastner (from the Apprentice) and was quite entertaining as well as informative. We were a little worried he was going to show up with his guitar (if you saw the Apprentice, or his appearances on Dennis Miller, you know what I mean) but it was fun and he held the audience's interest.

More blogs on TODCON: CMXtraneous

Update 4/28/2005 9:01AM: Just got back in. What a busy week. These TODCON conferences are great, but between the sessions and the fun times, there was not much time for blogging, sleeping, or much of anything else. I will try to get my sessions online later.

More TODCON reports and pics:

Jim Babbage on TODCON
Day 2
Day 3
Scott Fegette from Macromedia
Kim Cavanaugh and more
Pics from Paul Davis

Category tags: Macromedia/Adobe, Todcon, Dreamweaver

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