Tom Muck

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Cheap Mac

Friday, February 03, 2006 8:05:41 PM

I finally broke down and bought a Mac, after many years of saying "I need a Mac." I got it mostly for testing web sites and extensions, but I think I'll be using it for a lot more than that. Microcenter had a deal where you buy a Mac Mini and get a keyboard, mouse, LCD monitor, scanner/printer for free. You can't beat that -- a whole Mac system for $499. I got the upgraded version with the faster processor and 80gig HD for $599.

I started my career using a Mac, but gave it up shortly thereafter to work exclusively on Windows machines (around the time of OS 7.5). I'm pretty amazed by the whole experience. . .I like it. I even downloaded a remote desktop connection so I can access my Windows server from the Mac. Very cool. I like the fact that everything is included in the box, and everything seems to work right out of the box -- wireless network, Bluetooth, etc. If you need a cheap Mac, head to Microcenter before they are all gone.

Category tags: Dreamweaver, ColdFusion

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