Tom Muck's Blog
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1 post
on 12/03/2004
New free extension: Sniplets
Friday, December 03, 2004 3:45:19 PM
I have a new extension for free download: Sniplets. Basically, a Sniplet is like a Dreamweaver snippet but quicker because it's in the right-click menu while you are in Code view, with no panels or dialog boxes. It's designed for frequently-used code clips. To add a Sniplet, copy some code/text to the clipboard or simply select it on the page, then click Sniplets > Add new. . . .Whatever is in the clipboard/selection gets copied into the Sniplet menu. You give the sniplet a name and it appears in the list next time you access the menu. It's also on a toolbar button on the main Document toolbar at the end. There are also menu items to clear the menu and to edit the existing sniplets.
The extension is available from
I wrote it last night as part of another extension but decided to release it by itself.
Category tags: Dreamweaver, ColdFusion
Posted by Tom Muck
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on 12/03/2004
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