ASP.Net parser errors

If you are getting an error like this:

The virtual path '/bin/DreamweaverCtrls.dll' maps to another application

problem: Chances are that the site you are working with is actually defined as a virtual directory in IIS.  The problem lies not so much with the code that was created by Dreamweaver MX, but in the way that IIS handles virtual directories.  By default, a virtual directory is made to run in its own memory space.  In other words, it acts as its own web application.  You will quickly learn that an application can only have one bin directory in the root of the site.

If a path starts with a forward slash "/", then it is assumed that you want to start from the site root to find it, so even if the page is ten directories down, it will be looking for http://localhost/bin/DreamweaverCtrls.dll, when the file is actually at this location:
http://localhost/virtualdir/bin/DreamweaverCtrls.dll (another aplication).

The solution

This can be solved in one of two ways:

  1. Change the option within IIS to make it a standalone application (application settings > remove) and re-upload the .dll file to the bin directory at the root.
  2. change the path to the bin from "/bin/DreamweaverCtrls.dll" to a relative path (one that does not start with a "/").

Joel Martinez


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