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Blogs for Dreamweaver extension developers
Friday, September 17, 2004 1:21:06 PM
For all you Dreamweaver extension developers, Paul Boon has come out of hiding and has been blogging like crazy on a multitude of extension building techniques, undocumented API calls, and other DW goodies. Check out his blog at Not to be outdone, Danilo Celic has also posted a bunch of cool items as well:
If you have my JavaScript Evaluation panel (available at Community MX, with an older version available on the CDROM for Dreamweaver MX 2004: The Complete Reference) you can test out many of these API calls. This one I thought was really cool: Using Popup Menus in Extensions (blogged by Paul at It is infinitely better than creating dynamic menus within the menus.xml file, which can be really tedious to code. A simple example of how you could use this in an extension is to open up a web address:
function popupMenu(a){
var m = new PopupMenu();
for(var i=0;i < a.length;i++){
var s=m.popup();
return s;
var myMenuItems=new Array('CommunityMX','tom-muck','DWFAQ','Flash-Remoting');
var response = popupMenu(myMenuItems);
if(response != '')
dw.browseDocument("http://www." + response + ".com");
If you run this from the JavaScript eval window, you'll get a popup menu that will open up the site. Another use would be to get a list of currently open documents and full file paths to allow switching between them:
function popupMenu(a){
var m = new PopupMenu();
for(var i=0;i < a.length;i++){
var s=m.popup();
return s;
var fileDoms = dreamweaver.getDocumentList();
var currDom = dreamweaver.getActiveWindow();
var menuItems = new Array();
var fileName;
for(var i=0;i<fileDoms.length; i++) {
fileName = (fileDoms[i].URL == "")?"(Unsaved Document)":MMNotes.localURLToFilePath(fileDoms[i].URL);
if(fileDoms[i] == currDom) fileName = "* " + fileName;
var response = popupMenu(menuItems);
if(response != '')
Category tags: Community MX, Dreamweaver
Posted by Tom Muck
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